The Best Sweetener for Diabetics


Sugars, sugar substitutes and sweeteners: natural and artificial

If you’re living with diabetes, or even if you’re not, you might think sweet foods are a barrier to your healthy, balanced diet. As a general rule,everyone should be eating less sugar– but sometimes, only something sweet will do.

If want to lose weight, or you’re trying to keep your blood glucose levels stable, you may want to know whether artificial sweeteners could help. If you browse around your local supermarket, you’ll see a huge range of sweeteners on offer, so it can be baffling to know which, if any, to go for.

So in this section we'll take you through:

What are sweeteners?

Sweeteners are ingredients that are added to food to enhance sweetness. They can be grouped in different ways: One way is to loosely group sweeteners as: sugar or sugar substitutes.Another way to group sweeteners is whether the sweetener is: natural or artificial.

Types of sweeteners

One of the most useful ways of grouping sweeteners is to look at those that have nutritive value, ie nutritive sweeteners, and those without nutritive value, ie non-nutritive or ‘low-calorie’ sweeteners.

Nutritive sweeteners

There are different types of nutritive sweeteners, but they all contain carbohydrate and provide calories. They are usually referred to as ‘sugars’ or ‘added sugar’, but they can also appear in the ingredient list of food packaging as:
  • glucose
  • fructose
  • sucrose
  • maltose
  • honey and syrup, etc.


One group of nutritive sweeteners is polyols, which are sugar alcohols, and include:
  • erythritol
  • isomalt
  • maltitol
  • mannitol
  • sorbitol
  • xylitol. 
They can be natural or artificially produced. Polyols contain carbohydrates and calories, but they have fewer calories and less of an effect on blood glucose levels than sucrose (sugar).

Polyols and diabetes

It’s not exactly clear how the polyols should be ‘counted’ by people who are adjusting their insulin dose according to the carbohydrate they consume, as not all of the carbohydrate from polyols is absorbed. The amount of calories provided by polyols varies, as the amount of carbohydrate digested or absorbed by the body varies, depending on the type of polyol. People with diabetes should speak to their healthcare team for individual advice about this.

Polyols and ‘diabetic’ foods

Polyols are usually used in products marketed as‘diabetic’ or ‘suitable for diabetics’and, as these products can be as high in fat and calories as standard products, Diabetes UK and the European Commission Regulations don’t recommend them. Consuming large amounts of polyols can have a laxative effect, causing bloating, flatulence and diarrhoea.

Non-nutritive or artificial sweeteners 

Non-nutritive sweeteners can be one way of reducing your overall carbohydrate and calorie intake if you substitute it for nutritive sweeteners like sugar.These are sometimes called ‘artificial sweeteners’ and are usually found in:
  • ‘sugar-free’ or ‘diet’ foods and drinks
  • fizzy drinks
  • fruit juices
  • jellies
  • yogurts
  • chewing gums, etc.
The terms ‘non-nutritive’ and ‘artificial’ sweeteners are used interchangeably.

Types of artificial sweeteners 

There are various artificial sweeteners licensed for use in the UK. These include:
  • aspartame, used in Canderel, Hermesetas granulated  
  • saccharin, used in Hermesetas mini sweeteners 
  • sucralose, used in Splenda 
  • acesulfame potassium (acesulfame-K), used in Hermesetas Gold sweetener  
  • cyclamate, used in Hermesetas liquid.
Some products are made from a combination of two artificial sweeteners. For example, Hermesetas Gold sweetener is made from a blend of aspartame and acesulfame-K.

Sweeteners and cooking

Why use sweeteners in cooking?

They can give you a burst of sweetness, while reducing your sugar and calorie intake because they contain little or no calories or carbohydrates and don’t affect blood glucose levels.

Which sweeteners are best for cooking?

Artificial sweeteners come in granules, tablets or liquid form. Most of them can be used in cold and hot foods, but not all can be used for cooking:
  • Aspartame (used in Canderel) loses some sweetness at a high temperature.
  • sucralose (used in Splenda) and acesulfame-K (used in Hermesetas Gold sweetener) can be used in cooking and baking. 
Only small amounts of artificial sweeteners are needed as they are intensely sweet.

Sweeteners from the stevia plant

A relatively new group of non-nutritive sweeteners include naturally sourced, calorie-free sweeteners made from the stevia plant, eg Truvia and Stevia. They are 200–300 times sweeter than sucrose (sugar) and are heat stable, so can be used in cooking and baking.

Natural and artificial sweeteners

It can be confusing to group together sweeteners as the terminologies are open to interpretation. For instance, some products from the stevia plant are marketed as ‘natural’, even though they’re processed and refined. Yet, some of the other products marketed as artificial sweeteners may be derived from naturally occurring substances. For example, sucralose, which is used in Splenda, is derived from sugar (sucrose). Whatever the name, grouping or terminology, it’s important to ask what is in the particular sweetener and whether the sweetener or product has carbohydrate or calories, and how that fits into your individual goals for healthy eating.

Sweeteners and safety

A major question that often comes up is how safe sweeteners are. There has been, and continues to be, some bad publicity and controversies about certain artificial sweeteners.
All non-nutritive sweeteners used in foods in the EU have to undergo rigorous safety testing before being approved by the European Commission.
Food ingredient manufacturers have to provide evidence from safety studies showing that the sweetener in question:
  • doesn’t cause any adverse effects, including cancer
  • doesn’t affect reproduction
  • doesn’t cause allergic reactions
  • isn’t stored within the body, or metabolised into other potentially unsafe products.

What amount of sweetener is safe to eat?

As part of the approval process for each non-nutritive sweetener, an Acceptable Daily Intake (ADI) level is set. The ADI is the estimated amount per kilogram of body weight that a person can consume, on average, every day, over a lifetime without risk. ADIs are set 100 times less than the smallest amount that may cause health concerns, so it’s extremely difficult for most people to reach the ADI. With these checks, the current levels of intake of artificial sweeteners in the UK are safe, although people with phenylketonuria (a rare metabolic disorder) are advised to avoid sweeteners containing aspartame.

Should I eat sweeteners?

It’s a personal choice whether you decide to use sweeteners or not. If you decide to use sweeteners, but you’re unsure, speak to your diabetes healthcare team for individual advice, and check labels and ingredients on food packaging, as this can help you to make informed choices.

Should I avoid sugar altogether?

We all know we need to eat a healthy, balanced diet that’s low in saturated fat, sugar and salt to keep our weight, cholesterol, blood glucose and blood pressure in check. Sugar is a type of carbohydrate and because all carbohydrates affect blood glucose levels, reducing your sugar intake can help to keep blood glucose levels under control. As sugar contributes no nutritive value, apart from carbohydrates and calories, it has ‘empty calories’ and so is not good if you’re looking to manage your weight. This doesn’t mean that people with diabetes should have a sugar-free diet. In fact, it’s almost impossible to have a sugar-free diet in the long term. And, it’s also worth remembering that products labelled ‘sugar-free’ aren’t necessarily low-calorie.


10 Best Fiber Foods for Diabetes

When you have diabetes, increasing your daily fiber intake has many benefits, including improving your heart health and helping to maintain blood sugar control.

According to a research review published in the Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine, a diet that’s high in fiber may even help lower your A1C test results, which measures your average blood sugar control over two to three months. “The average amount of fiber consumed in the United States is only 10 to 20 grams per day,” says Meredith Nguyen, RD, a registered dietitian with the diabetes self-management program at Methodist Charlton Medical Center in Dallas.

 The Institute of Medicine recommends daily fiber totals based on your age and gender: Men under 50 years old should get 38 grams per day Men over 50 should get 30 grams per day Women under 50 years old should get 25 grams per day Women over 50 should get 21 grams per day The American Diabetes Association recommends a goal of 25 to 30 grams of fiber per day. Dietitians recommend eating more foods with fiber to achieve these daily goals, but fiber supplements could also be an option.

 Why Do I Need Fiber?

 There are many reasons for including fiber in your daily diet. For starters, fiber helps slow the rise in blood sugar that can occur after a meal. “Fiber also works to decrease cholesterol and provides bulk in the diet that helps to naturally decrease hunger,” explains Ann Walker, RD, LD, a registered dietitian at the Cray Diabetes Self-Management Center at the University of Kansas Medical Center in Kansas City. That also makes it a good addition for people on a heart-healthy diet geared toward maintaining a healthy weight.

 Nguyen, who points out that you can experience greater advantages with even more daily fiber, says you might aim for 44 to 50 grams a day for the best blood-sugar control benefits. This might seem like an impossibly high goal if your fiber consumption is like that of the average American, but with baby steps and good planning, you can get there.

Shocking: Miracle drinks for diabetics That Cure Diabetes in Only 5 Days!!

Blood sugar levels become too high when you suffer from diabetes. There are two types of this disorder: 1: When the immune system of the body kills the cells that produce insulin. 2: When the body’s cells don’t react to insulin and the body doesn’t produce any insulin. The second type of this unpleasant disorder is more common than the second one. 90% of the adults in UK suffer from the second type. Today we will present you the best natural remedy that will significantly lower your blood sugar levels in just 5 days! Recipe: • 2 stalks of celery • 3 handful of spinach • 2carrots • 1 green apple Instructions: Wash and peel the carrots and apple. Remove the seeds from the apple and then put all the ingredients in a juicer or blender and mix well. Consume the resulting mixture every single day on an empty stomach in the morning. It will significantly lower your blood pressure and normalize the blood sugar levels. Beneficial Effects of This Beverage: Celery – full of potassium and magnesium. It is excellent for preventing high blood pressure! Spinach – packed with calcium and Vitamins C and A. Carrots – these veggies regulate the blood and treat vision issues. Green Apples – rich in malic acid that is extremely effective in reducing blood sugar levels. Drink this amazing beverage every morning if you want to keep your blood sugar levels under control.

Top 10 Snacks for Diabetes

Let’s face it. One of the main problems those of us with diabetes have is our hunger and trying to find those in between meal snacks that are satisfying and taste good while also helping us maintain our blood sugar. When it comes to snacks, or any food for that matter, I always look at the Glycemic Load. There are those who will tell you that the Glycemic Index is what matters, but the glycemic index doesn’t really give you a complete understanding of what a particular food will do to your blood sugar. It simply gives you a number based on 50 carbs of a specific food. The glycemic load takes into account what type of carb we are dealing with and how it truly affects your blood sugar postprandial. I say this so that if you see a food on my list of best snacks and on another “experts” list it is on a list of worst snacks, you will know why. I will give you both the GI and GL of each food on this list. I also do not put my lists in any type of order. So here we go: 1. Popcorn. This is a food you will probably see on some worst snacks list because the GI is a medium 55. But the glycemic load of popcorn is a very low 2.8. In its unprocessed form, popcorn is considered a significant source of whole-grain fiber. I love popcorn for……..breakfast! Yes, popcorn with a little sucrose and 2% milk is a wonderful cereal. You may think I am crazy, fair enough, but try it. It truly is a great snack for anytime. Not just when watching a movie. A small microwave bag is the perfect size for a good snack. 2. Greek Yogurt. Greek Yogurt is rich in calcium, high in protein and probiotics. There are few foods healthier than Greek yogurt. They do have some carbs, but they aren’t significant. Greek only has about 4 grams of sugar per 6 ounce serving. Greek yogurt contains significant amounts of potassium, calcium and magnesium, which is shown to improve blood pressure. Calcium, phosphorous and magnesium are important in bone health also. The GI of Greek yogurt is 11, the GL is zero. Put some strawberries and walnuts in a cup of Greek yogurt and you are going to thank me later! 3. Walnuts. Speaking of walnuts. I am convinced walnuts are the overall best food for you. I know they are expensive, that’s why when I can find them on sale or buy them in bulk, I will jump at the chance. Stored properly they can last a while. Walnuts have a GI and GL of zero meaning that they have no significant effect on raising blood sugar, they are extremely heart healthy and they also contain copper, manganese, vitamin B1 and vitamin B6. Plus they are super rich in omega 3 fatty acids. 4. Strawberries/Blueberries. Strawberries –A great alternative to those with a sweet tooth is strawberries. They are sweet, low in calories and make a great snack. Several human studies have established that people who eat plenty of berries, such as strawberries and blueberries, have a lower risk of both diabetes, heart attacks and dementia. Studies have also linked the high vitamin C content of strawberries to a lower risk of type 2 diabetes. One cup of fresh strawberries provides 160 percent of your daily need of vitamin C. Wanna really good snack? Blend fresh or frozen strawberries and/or blueberries into a smoothie. Both strawberries and blueberries have a low GI in the low 40’s as an average. They have an average GL of 4. 5. Peanut butter. Has anyone ever told you that someone with diabetes shouldn’t eat peanut butter? Tell them they are nuts. Peanut butter has a glycemic index of 14 and a glycemic load of 6. This low ranking means peanut butter helps stabilize blood sugar and insulin levels. Yes, they have a lot of calories and you will see several carbs on the label. But a tablespoon full of peanut butter is an amazing snack to fill you up. Peanut butter is is very low in Cholesterol. It is also a good source of Niacin and Manganese. 6. Apples. I know, another fruit, but a small apple (about the size of a tennis ball) delivers 77 calories, 21 grams of carbohydrate and 4 grams of fiber. It's also a good source of vitamin C and has a smattering of other vitamins and minerals. The main benefit of an apple is the richness they possess in soluble fiber. This fiber keeps you full and slows down the absorption of sugar into your bloodstream helping regulate blood glucose levels. Apples have a GI of 39 and a GL of 4 7. A dark chocolate bar. 8. Boiled eggs. 9. Sting cheese. 10. I may get laughed off youtube for this one. But #10 is peanut M&Ms.

Kill Diabetes Forever In Just 8 Days Easy And Faster Home Remedy

Aloe vera has been long used as a natural remedy, mostly because of its soothing and invigorating effect, which make it a perfect skin care product. Recent studies have shown that aloe vera can be also used in the treatment of diabetes. When used properly, aloe vera can reduce blood glucose. In this article we will explain why is aloe vera beneficial when it comes to treating and preventing diabetes, and how to use the maximum of its benefits. Which is the connection between aloe vera and diabetes?. Today, diabetes is one of the most common auto-immune diseases. The number of people diagnosed with hyperglycemia escalates quickly, and health experts are quite worried about the actual state. Luckily, people are aware that regular physical activity, proper diet and healthy lifestyle choices can prevent diabetes, or at least help diabetics control their condition. Even though lifestyle choices and regular workout depend on our free time, nothing affects the choices you do when it comes to your daily menu, and here comes the importance of including aloe vera to your diet............

8 Diabetes Herbs Lower Blood Sugar & A1C!

The National Health Interview Survey found that 22% of people with diabetes used some type of herbal therapy. Learn to start treating diabetes with herbs, benefits of herbal treatment and eight best natural herbs for diabetes. To learn more visit Diabetes Herbal Remedies

How to Control Diabetes | Best Nutrition Food for Diabetic Patients | Indian Health Care |Treatment

Maintain your blood sugar levels and lead a healthy life with diabetes. Best Natural treatment for diabetes with no side effect. Now you can control any high level sugar at home itself. Eat healthy diet which stimulates the production of insulin by pancreas by creating the number of beta cells, which will help you maintain your glucose level in your blood and even best for remedy for hereditary diabetes. Regulate Sugar Level Within 3 Weeks,100% Natural treatment. Natural Home Remedies offers you herbal method to treat diabetes effectively. Follow these simple home remedies and tips for diabetes that will help you diabetic’s postprandial sugar level
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Treatment and Management of Type 2 Diabetes

Learn more at: The goal of Type 2 Diabetes treatment is to safely keep blood glucose within the normal range. When diet and exercise fail to provide patient benefits, medical management of diabetes is warranted. Various medications for controlling blood sugar are briefly explained. A self-management plan should be part of every patient's strategy with regular doctor visits.

Top 10 Vegetables Safe For Diabetics

It is very difficult to design a diet chart for diabetes patients. This is because all the fruits and vegetables are not good for them. There are many vegetables that may not seem starchy but they can spike your blood sugar levels. For example, potato is a vegetable that is easily identified as starchy. But could you ever guess that vegetables like beetroot or carrot cannot be a part of diet for diabetic patients?

Eating the right kind of foods when suffering from diabetes can actually help you manage your condition. And the reverse of this statement is also true.

Diabetics must avoid vegetables that have high sugar content. All root vegetables like carrots, turnips and even too many onions are forbidden in the diet for diabetes. However, there are set of vegetables that diabetics can feast upon without any apprehensions.

Why is My Blood Sugar So High In The Morning

Morning blood sugar readings can sometimes be all over the place. Depending on what you had for dinner or what snacks you had during the evening. What time you took your medicine can play a factor as well. But if you have consistently high blood glucose readings every morning, it could be one of three reasons that we are going to discuss in this video. DAWN PHENOMENON Researchers feel the most common reason for high blood glucose levels in the morning is the dawn phenomenon. The glucose is going up from sources other than digested food. Some of it is produced by the liver from stored starch and fatty acids. Livers that produce too much glucose are one of the main ways diabetes causes high blood glucose levels. Other organs also produce small amounts of glucose. This is called “gluconeogenesis” for those of you who like the technical stuff. Organs produce glucose to keep blood glucose from going too low at night or other times of not eating. From about 2 AM to 8 AM, most people’s bodies produce hormones, including cortisol, glucagon, and epinephrine. All these hormones increase insulin resistance and tell the liver to make more glucose. The idea is to get you enough glucose to get out of bed and start the day. Everyone has a dawn phenomenon. Otherwise they’d be too weak to get breakfast. But in people without diabetes, insulin levels also increase to handle the extra glucose. People with diabetes can’t increase insulin levels that much, so their early morning blood glucose levels can rise dramatically. Experts disagree on how many people have a dawn phenomenon. Estimates range from 3% to 50% of Type 2s and from 25% to 50% of Type 1s. Is dawn phenomenon a serious problem? It can be serious. According to the American Diabetes Association, “Some people with dawn phenomenon find that their glucose continues to rise until they eat in the morning. For others, levels will settle down a few hours after waking, regardless of whether or not they eat.” According to columnist Wil Dubois, the higher your A1C, the more likely you are to have a significant dawn phenomenon. It could be that spending a number of hours each morning out of control is having a significant effect on your overall control. Some people have high glucose levels in the morning because their medicines wear off overnight. This could be true of medicines like insulin, and metformin. If you are taking any long-acting medicine, consider asking your doctor about changing meds, doses, or times THE SOMOGYI EFFECT In some cases, medicine can be too strong. If your glucose goes too low in the night, you could have a rebound high in the morning. This is called the Somogyi effect. If you are waking up high and are suffering pounding headaches, or find your sheets sweat-soaked, the odds are you are having lows in your sleep…You need to visit with your doctor about taking less meds. According to Dubois, the new insulins are much less likely to cause a Somogyi reaction. But because of cost, people are going back to NPH insulin. NPH is cheaper, shorter-acting, and more likely to cause a low, leading to a rebound high in the morning. WANING INSULIN If you take insulin and have been experiencing high blood sugar in the morning, your insulin may simply be wearing off too soon. If this is the case, your doctor can adjust your dosage or change what time you are taking the insulin to prevent high glucose levels. Pinpointing the Cause for Effective Treatment If your blood sugar is fairly even when you go to bed and at 3 a.m. but is higher in the morning, you are probably experiencing dawn phenomenon. If your blood sugar is low at 3 a.m., but high in the morning, you probably suffer from the Somogyi effect. If your blood sugar is elevated at 3 a.m. and then higher still in the morning, you probably have waning insulin. Even if you’ve identified the reason behind your high morning number, never attempt to correct it on your own. Instead, talk with your doctor. Together, you can find a treatment plan that gets you back on track in the morning. How can this situation be corrected? Once you and your doctor determine how your blood sugar levels are behaving at night, he or she can advise you about the changes you need to make to better control them. -Changing the time you take the long-acting insulin in the evening so that its peak action occurs when your blood sugars start rising -Changing the type of insulin you take in the evening -Taking extra insulin overnight -Eating a lighter breakfast -Increasing your morning dose of insulin -Switching to an insulin pump, which can be programmed to release additional insulin in the morning